Medical Terminology Book Reviews

What are the factors we consider for choosing the best medical terminology book?
To learn and understand medical terminology, strong visual material needs to be presented. A key differentiator of medical textbooks is the quality of the graphic content and the organization of the graphic content. Superior medical terminology textbooks integrate visuals to enhance and reinforce the understanding of the concept and also foster understanding in the real world.
This is essential to a superior textbook.
Supplemental Materials
Some medical terminology textbooks are simply a book. This may be sufficient, but superior textbooks offer much more.
Some medical terminology texts offer online exercises and additional materials to help students master the medical terminology presented in the text.
Real-World Relevance
To the extent possible, a high-quality medical terminology textbook will have exercises that help the student understand the real world. For example, are there case studies? Are there audible pronunciation materials?
Feedback Mechanisms
Does the textbook offer ways for the student to measure progress or problem areas? If a text offers quizzes to provide feedback to the student, this translates into a higher-quality textbook.
Are there opportunities to practice, such as offering flashcards?
Are there interactive exercises that help to engage the student and enhance understanding?
New terms, equipment, and procedures are always being developed. A textbook that stays up-to-date is essential for educating our future healthcare providers and people working in the healthcare industry.
Flow of Materials
While not always noticeable when done right, incorrect spacing and use of free space can ruin the flow of the text. These textbooks are written for college-aged students, who typically don’t read the text as much as they browse. A great textbook structures the pages with text broken into easily digestible sections.
Overall Approach and Format
Learning medical terminology and language does not require lofty language and complex paragraphs. However, in-depth explanations are often needed to convey the information. The best textbooks successfully present information that is easy to understand, even if the topic is complex.
We look for a straightforward approach without verbose language which seems to be making an effort to impress rather than to educate the student.
Motivation for Learning
We live in times where many things fight for a student’s attention. Medical terminology, for many students, may not be at the top of that list. For the textbook to motivate students to learn and solve problems, it must be relatable and valuable to them. A great textbook provides instruction and offers problem-solving strategies and an incentive to solve medical terminology language-related exercises.
Medical Terminology Book Reviews and Ratings
Note that the overall score is not based on a straight numerical average of all factors. Some factors are deemed more important than others, influencing the overall score more significantly.
Exploring Medical Language

- Visuals 100%
- Supplemental Materials 99%
- Real-World Relevance 88%
- Feedback Mechanisms 90%
- Updates 100%
- Flow and Format 95%
- Creating Motivation 90%
Best In Class
Master medical terms on your terms! A combination text/workbook, Exploring Medical Language, 11th Edition, provides exercises that make it easy to build an understanding of medical terminology.
There is even a companion blog: MedicalTerminologyBlog.com
Medical Terminology

- Visuals 89%
- Supplemental Materials n/a%
- Real-World Relevance 85%
- Feedback Mechanisms 80%
- Updates 92%
- Flow and Format 97%
- Creating Motivation 85%
No Frills – Low-Cost Option
Like many medical terminology textbooks, this one was written for college-aged students who are working toward a degree in the healthcare field.
This medical terminology textbook focuses on the readability aspect, which allows for an easy training guide and review.
Medical Terminology
A Living Language

- Visuals 89%
- Supplemental Materials 60%
- Real-World Relevance 90%
- Feedback Mechanisms 75%
- Updates 95%
- Flow and Format 95%
- Creating Motivation 90%
Real-World Applications A Big Plus
The information is comprehensive and easy to understand for an entry-level college course. It is organized by organ systems to make it easier to follow and apply.
This book uses a carefully constructed learning system to help readers master medical language and apply this knowledge to real-world contexts.
Access to the digital platform, MyLab, must be purchased separately.
Mastering Healthcare Terminology

- Visuals 90%
- Supplemental Materials 50%
- Real-World Relevance 95%
- Feedback Mechanisms 85%
- Updates 95%
- Flow and Format 95%
- Creating Motivation 80%
This Text Covers Basic, Body Systems, and Specialty Terminology
Overall, Mastering Healthcare Terminology is a good resource for advanced high school classes, college-level classes, or for healthcare professionals seeking a refresh.
The textbook also includes practice exams that students can use to study for quizzes and tests throughout their course.
Medical Terminology: An Illustrated Guide
8th Edition

What Makes It Unique:
- Medical Terminology: Learn to Pronounce, Understand, and Memorize Over 2000 Medical Terms can be used as a medical dictionary. Though the chapters are divided by systems, they are pieced together in a typical word list format.
- Each chapter includes a brief introduction and an overview of the words you will find. Each of the different words is placed in boldface font with a pronunciation key following.
- The chapters also contain a list of prefixes or suffices and their corresponding meanings.
Value Pick
An Excellent Option as a Medical Terminology Dictionary
An Illustrated Guide helps readers develop a fundamental knowledge of the medical terminology necessary for a career in any healthcare setting.
You may also want to check out the Medical Terminology Academy. Use the link below.